Please Will someone admit AA is a Religion


AA is a belief system touted through testimonials, without evidence that will pass scrutiny. The Oxford English Dictionary defines religion,

“The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.”

AA says I need a personal Higher power. A power greater than myself that will remove my defects of character. Believe me it would take superhuman effort to do that. There should be no argument. Yet, because it says in their own literature the program is not necessarily religious I get constant arguments. Reminds me of Christians saying the Bible is God breathed because it says in the Bible it is God breathed.

Some argue that AA has saved millions of people. My counter argument, AA has failed 100’s of millions of people

There argument: Those people failed not the AA doctrine.

My response: (Bear with me) My mother tried every diet. Once she tried one diet where she was to eat only hotdogs. She ate twelve per day and lost weight as advertised but who would eat only hotdogs lifelong. You had to love hotdogs.

AA is like the hotdog diet, those who absolutely love hotdogs can’t understand why others hate it. AA is the same, to those it works for, it is difficult to explain to them why it won’t work for all.

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Filed under AA, christianity, culture, religion, Uncategorized

One response to “Please Will someone admit AA is a Religion

  1. I can see your point. People say religion, specifically Christianity, is true and it works. It doesn’t work for all people though. I’ve written about this in the past; Christianity is the largest religion…at least for now. As of this post, about 2.3 billion people are Christians. That sounds like a lot until you look at the world population of about 7.6 billion. That means about 70% of the world’s population disagrees with it. That’s 7 out of every 10 people saying it doesn’t work for them or they don’t believe it at all. That doesn’t seem like the way God would have set it up if he wanted us to follow Jesus. However, it seems like a 70% failure rate is okay with him…if we are to believe it’s all true.

    According to the Bible, everything in the Bible is true, or “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). But as you’ve said, and as I’ve argued over and over, you can’t use the Bible to prove the Bible. Just like you can’t use your blog post to prove your blog post. People need to verify for themselves. The numbers I listed above aren’t true because I say they are. They were taken from reputable websites that can be verified.

    AA has failed many people, but say they’ve saved many too. It does sound like Christianity to me as well. Probably why they are so closely linked together. Fighting a problem is hard enough without adding additional problems such as a religion built upon lies that uses itself for evidence that it is true. I’m not saying God doesn’t exist, but I am 100% saying the God of the Bible does not. This one-size-fits-all “hot dog diet” God doesn’t work for everyone, especially those of us who have been shown the lies and changes that have been made to the story along the way.

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